Blooming Wild Browband Headstall


You'll stun in the classy Blooming Wild Browband Headstall from Circley Y, with its rich vintage finish and detailed floral tooling. This gorgeous piece looks great on any coat color no matter the setting, trail or arena you're sure to stand out.

• Stylish riders looking for a classy new browband headstall
• Riders who want a browband that can go in the arena or on the trail
• Pairing with vintage, chocolate, or lite, regular/medium, and heavy oil saddles.

• Gorgeous vintage leather shows off the intricate floral tooling
• Beautiful vintage leather that’ll go with any other pieces of tack.
• Vintage leather looks great on any coat color
• The browband headstall has a matching one ear headstall, breast collar, spur straps, and a matching wither strap!

• Adjust the cheek pieces and bit placement for your horse. Ideally, start off loose and tighten for added control and cueing.
• The browband piece should rest lightly across your horse’s forehead and should sit about 1/2"-1" below the front of the ears. Too low may make the throat latch too tight.
• Adjust the throat latch so that you can fit 2-4 fingers between it and the underside of your horse’s jaw. This is important as a too tight fitting throat latch could prohibit the horse’s breathing.

• Browbands are a great option for snaffles and leverage bits!
• Browbands promote added safety and will be a great choice for horses that rub their head while bridled. The throat latch and browband can help prevent the headstall from getting rubbed off.